Abstract:By comparison of Burgers model with visco-elastoplastic model,this paper considers visco- elastoplastic model is adaptive to all kinds of rock rheological characteristics,while Burgers model is only suitable to rather soft rock. Due to taking the relationship between s and ss into account,constitutive equations of visco-elastoplastic model are presented by segmented functions. When s <ss in the visco-elastoplastic model,creep never causes infinite deformation and relaxation wouldn′t result in stress disappearing. When s ≥ss,deformation caused by creeping will last all along,but stress caused by relaxation never decreases to zero. The Burgers model,regardless of relationship between s and ss,holds deformation to infinite as long as s is not equal to zero,which is contradictory to the rheological characteristics of rock. Moreover,according to triaxial creep test of rock samples,authors fit the curve of -t of the gray-yellow miliolite from fault of Zhaogezhuang Coal Mine respectively by visco-elastoplastic model and Burgers model and obtain their rheological parameters by least squares procedure. The fitting results show that the visco-elastoplastic model is more suitable than the Burgers model to describe rock rheological characteristics.