Abstract:Cracking is a major problem in the asphalt concrete pavement. Based on the linear fracture mechanics,the distribution discipline of the stress intensity factor (SIF) under the changed temperature is studied by the plane strain FEM of ABAQUS software when the surface cracks or the reflective cracks exist in the asphalt pavement on the semi-rigid base. It is obtained that the SIF increases with the length of the surface crack or the reflective crack enlarging in the asphalt pavement. The SIF decreases with the friction coefficient rising when the surface crack tip lies in the surface layer and increases with the friction coefficient rising when the surface crack tip lies in the base. For the asphalt pavement with reflective crack,the SIF decreases with the friction coefficient rising when the reflective crack tip lies in the base. The SIF increases with the friction coefficient rising when the reflective crack tip lies in the base and the reflective crack length is less than a certain value. The SIF decreases with the friction coefficient rising when the surface crack tip lies in the base and the reflective crack length is more than a certain value.