Abstract:Middle expansive soil should be treated before filled into roadbed because it will expand and soften remarkably after wetted and its CBR will be lower than 3%. The wrapping method for middle expansive soil embankment has been demonstrated,in which the slope stability,strength and deformation of subgrade,and damp preservation action of lime stabilized wrapping soil for middle expansive soil wrapping embankment have been analyzed. The analyses indicate that the wrapping layer for middle expansive soil embankment improves its stability on slopes,and the slopes are characterized by shallow and deep stability under wrapping condition,the middle expansive soils within embankment possess higher intensity and lower deformation;wrapping layer on side of embankment possesses the good damp preservation and anti-weathering effect. The wrapping scheme for middle expansive soil embankment has been suggested and verified by site experiment. The testing verifies that the wrapping scheme for middle expansive soil embankment can withstand weathering and guarantee the stability of subgrade.