Abstract:In most practical prestressed anchoring engineering,it is indicated that the distribution of lateral shear along anchorage length presents unimodal curve on the mortar-rock interface. The hypothetic model of thorough gluing bond along anchorage length is adopted in former theoretic analysis;and their results are not accordance with the practice. Slippage on the interface ought to be taken into account. Based on Mindlin¢s displacement solution of elastic semi-infinite body,one-dimensional mechanical model is established respectively for the semi-numerical calculation of the displacement of surrounding rock mass and axial displacement of grouting mortar. Slippage can be calculated by the difference of above displacements on the interface. By introducing the strength softening effect of the relationship between shear stress and slippage on the interface,semi-numerical calculation method of lateral shear distribution is put forward and further discussed. Compared with former models of thorough gluing bond,the slipping and strength softening effect model is more corresponding with practical projects. If slippage occurs in beginning anchorage segment after stretching force applied,lateral shear is reduced;and the stress redistribution forms a unimodal curve of lateral shear distribution.