Abstract:Gravity-type retaining wall is one of the most common structures in civil engineering;and the lateral earth pressure due to the backfill is generally a major factor for the design of this type of structure. The earth pressure can be calculated using limit analysis method based on upper bound limit theorem in plasticity. Besides the traditional methods discretizing the backfill into thin slices or using rigid finite element method,upper bound limit analysis can be also numerically performed by element integration method,which is induced in this paper. In the present method,small triangle elements are used to discretize the soil behind the retaining wall. A kinematically admissiable velocity field is supposed by mathematical equations containing two or three parameters. It is independent with the element mesh. The work done by the body forces,surface loads as well as internal energy dissipations within an element are convenient to be obtained under such a failure mechanism. The whole energy can be calculated from the energy integration among all the elements. The limit external load can therefore be solved from the upper bound limit theorem;and its minimum value can be obtained from optimization method. For single block mechanism,such as plane and log-spiral slip surface,the validity of this method has been verified by a typical two- dimensional example.