Abstract:The goaf engineering treatment scope determination is one of the highway construction difficult problems,which until now there has no good computation method to settle with. A goaf-above ground surface deformation computation model which is based on the stochastic medium theory;and the achievements of stochastic medium theory¢s application to geotechenical domain is set up;and the computation programs(GSM and POBA) are also developed. The computation model and computation programs are applied to Leiyang—Yizhang highway¢s goaf ground deformation computation,which successfully solved the high way¢s goaf ground deformation computation problems. At the same time,the highway ground deformation controlling indexes and the method to determine goaf engineering treatment scope are provided. The goaf-above ground surface deformation controlling indexes and the goaf treatment scope determination method successfully solved Leiyang—Yizhang highway¢s goaf engineering treatment scope determination problem.