Abstract:The time histories of the bending moments along the model pile and accumulated pore pressure in soil are obtained by the shake table model test on pile foundation of offshore platforms. It is proposed that the lateral resistance of the static p-y curves of the pile foundation should be scaled to determine the lateral bearing behavior of the pile according to the level of the pore pressure in soil,that is,the lateral resistance should be multiplied by the scale factor which are less than 1 or equal to 1 according to the level of the pore pressure in soil. The shake table test results are further numerically stimulated using the scale factor method. And the relationship between the scale factor and the pore pressure ratio in soil is obtained:when the pore pressure ratio in soil<0.2,the scale factor = 1;when the pore pressure ratio in soil ≥0.8,the scale factor = 0.1;when the pore pressure ratio in soil >0.2 and <0.8,the scale factor decreas linearly from 1 to o.1 with the increase of the pore pressure ratio.