Abstract:A laboratory study is presented for the dynamic behaviors of isotropic and anisotropic consolidated Hangzhou soft clay subjected to unidirectional and bidirectional exciting cyclic loading using GDS bidirectional dynamic testing system. It is observed that the cyclic strain amplitude and excess pore water pressure increase with the increase of radial cyclic stress ratio. Compared with the strain,excess pore water pressure increases more significantly. Under unidirectional cyclic loading,the excess pore water pressure amplitude decreases with the increase of initial shear stress. However,the effect of initial shear stress on excess pore water pressure is less distinctly under bidirectional cyclic loading. There is a threshold radial cyclic stress ratio under bidirectional cyclic loading. When the radial cyclic stress ratio is lower than it,bidirectional cyclic loading cannot accelerate the failure of clay. The turning strain of -lgN curve is defined as an alternative failure criterion for clay. A significant feature of this criterion is that it is not a constant value but approximately linearly increases as the radial cyclic stress ratio increases or the failure cycle decreases. The dynamic strength of soft clay degrades slowly with the number of failure cycles under unidirectional cyclic loading. However,the dynamic strength degrades more rapidly under bidirectional cyclic loading. It also can be observed that the dynamic strength decreases significantly as radial cyclic stress ratio increases. This observation implies that for the stability problems of slopes involving seismic loading,the effect of radial cyclic stress on strength should also be considered. The strength determined in tests without considering the effect of radial cyclic stress is an unsafe estimation.