摘要针对混凝土在不同应力状态下强化、损伤的各向异性发展及各向异性效果、体积和偏量变形间的耦合和损伤机理与破坏模式的差异等不可逆变形以及损伤的基本特征,提出了一种简化的损伤本构模型。它采用标量损伤变量以避免采用各向异性损伤张量造成的分析与计算上的困难,同时采用Lode参数m s 描述不同应力状态及非比例加载史下材料的各向异性损伤与损伤的各向异性效果,发展了相应的算法。对三轴复杂加载史下混凝土的响应进行了分析,其结果与试验结果的比较显示了良好的一致性。
Abstract:A simplified continuum damage mechanics model is proposed in this paper to describe the inelastic damage behavior of concrete. The constitutive damage behaviors of concrete usually involve anisotropic damage,unilateral effect,coupled volumetric and deviatoric inelastic deformation and other complicated failure mechanisms due to its heterogeneous morphology. In order to avoid analytical and numerical complexity,a scalar damage variable is introduced,while the anisotropy and unilateral effect of damage corresponding to different states of stress and stress histories are dipicted by introducing the Lode parameter m s . The responses of concrete subjected to complicated uniaxial and triaxial loading histories are analyzed,and the validity of the proposed model is demonstrated by the satisfactory agreement between the computed and experimental results.