Abstract:When the bond between bolt and grout is intact the shear stress distribution of the bolt side is described by exponent curve. When the bond is destroyed the shear stress distribution on the bolt side can be expressed by parabolic curve. The relationships between axial stress and axial displacement with or without bond failure are presented. Some parameters can be back-analyzed from experimental data of axial tensile stress of bolt. Some parameters can be estimated by empirical equations. The relationships between transverse displacement and shear stress of bolt are also given for the cases with or without compressive failure of rock. Based on the derived analytical equations the relationships between shear stress and shear displacement of bolted joint are also presented and some parameters with significant influence on stiffness of bolted joint are analyzed. All the relevant analysis shows that higher axial compressive strength of rock and greater ratio of bolt section to bolted joint area can lead to higher shear resistance of bolted joint. The analysis also shows that joint anchored by inclined bolt has greater shear stiffness than that anchored by bolt perpendicular to joint. The joint anchored by inclined bolt has higher shear resistance with less shear displacement than the joint anchored by perpendicular bolt. The shear resistance of bolted joint can be obviously improved by higher ratio of bolt section to bolted joint area and inclined bolt.