Abstract:A dual2po ro sity model based on the modif ied fo rm u lat ion by Barrenb lat t is p resen ted fo r sim u lat ion of natu rally f ractu red reservo irs and m any app licat ion s are described. How ever, the perm eab ility and po ro sity coeff icien t s in the con t ro l equat ion s are regarded as con stan t in mo st s of literatu res. O f cou rse, th is is no t t rue. The perm eab ility and po ro sity are actually varied w ith p ressu res in m at rix b lock s and f issu res. A non2linear relat ion of dual2p ro sity and p ressu re is developed and a f in ite elem en t p rogram is given to sim u late the non2linear dual2po ro sity model.