Abstract:General 3D coalfield seismic interpretation commonly uses kinematics information in time domain,and it is not suitable for complex geology condition. If it is applied to complex underground geological structure,the interpretation precision and reliability would be affected because of lack of information. It is an important measure to integrate more information and more subject to increase interpretation precision under complex geological condition. It means that seismic kinematics should combine with dynamics;seismic should combine with geology and well logging,and time domain should integrate with depth domain. The seismic attribute,3D visualization,log constrained seismic inversion,time-depth conversion based on space-varying velocity are the key techniques of 3D seismic integrated interpretation. Taking Huainan coalfield as a case,the torsional structure and neotectonic movement are discovered by 3D visualization technique;collapse column is detected by kinematics and dynamics feature of seismic attribute,and the space variety of coalseam and coal-bearing strata are predicted by logging constrained seismic inversion and space-varying velocity time-depth conversion. According to the discovery of the complex geological structure and the prediction result of coalseam,the coalfield mining condition and reserve can be reappraised. The integrated interpretation techniques use a lot of geological information,so the exploration cost can be reduced under the complex geological condition,and it will become the main technique to solve coalfield complex structure and lithology exploration.