Abstract:The equ ilib rium equat ion of su rrounding rock2m in ing fau lt system is estab lished. The fau lt destab lizing p rocess w ith shear failu re pat tern belongs to fo ld catast rophe model. The model can be u sed to verify the know n crit ical condit ion fo r rock system to destab lize and give the condit ion fo r rock system to resum e quasi2stat ical state. The om en and po st stages of rock bu rst of the su rrounding rock2fau lt system can be described by analyt icw ay. The calcu lat ion fo rm u lae of fau lt offset and energy release of su rrounding rock s are ob tained. The ob tained analysis resu lt s can be verif ied to tally by the test resu lt s.