Abstract:The fo rm u las of th ree dynam ic boundary condit ion s of t ran sversely iso t rop ic st rat if ied m edia are derived. A nd the m ethods how to com b ine them w ith the discret ized algeb raic eigenvalue equat ion fo r generalized Rayleigh and Love w aves are also given. The dynam ic respon ses of them edia w ith these differen t boundary condit ion s to concen t rat ive harmon ic loads are evaluated and compared w ith the theo ret ical resu lt s. Th rough the comparison, it can be found that the respon ses of the m edia w ith damp ing and half space boundary condit ion s w hen the m edia are th ick, are clo se to the theo ret ical ones. Bu t fo r the f ixed boundary condit ion, on ly the respon ses of upper so il layers are clo se to theo ret ical ones. The resu lt s near the bo t tom of so il layers are m uch differen t f rom tho se fo r damp ing and half space boundary condit ion s. A cco rding to the evaluat ion, the app licab le ranges fo r these boundary condit ion s are suggested.