Abstract:Based upon m easu red data of w ater head and f low , the t ran sm issivit ies of aqu ifer are iden t if ied w ith Mon te2Carlo random sim u lat ion to sim u late the ob served data. The un iqueness p rob lem is so lved by modifying the least squaresm ethod and adding a term of f low to the least squares criterion. The study resu lt s show that the iden t if ied values appear in no rm al dist ribu t ion w hen the ob served erro rs sub ject to the no rm al dist ribu t ion. The relat ive erro r of the m ean iden t if ied values of the t ran sm issivity is less than 1% by m ak ing u se of the iden t ifying p rocedu re suggested even if the standard erro r of ob served w ater head app roaches to 1 m.