Abstract:By using the physical model experiment,the transient electromagnetic response character of mine water-bearing structure is studied,which provides an important basis for the improving interpretive method and advancing accuracy of detecting mine water-bearing structure. According to the similarity criterion of the physical model,the specific parameters of physical model and the corresponding correction factors are calculated. In addition,the mine water-bearing structure model and the transmitting and receiving devices are constructed;and the antenna parameters and detection abilities are comparatively analyzed. The results indicate that for the same transmitting antenna parameters,the more the turns of receiving antenna are,the stronger the received signal is;the larger the current in transmitting coil is,the stronger the received signal is. Under the same conditions,the inductive signal from the square antenna device is stronger than that of circular antenna. The physical model experiments are performed for interference characteristics of induction field from laneway space and metal body within laneway space. The results indicate when antenna lies near the side of the water-bearing structure,the received response value is the maximum. When the antenna lies away from the side of the water-bearing structure,the detecting ability is lower because of the influence of laneway space;the response values become strong for the metal(H-iron,metal netting and rail) in laneway space,but the response law of water-bearing structure is not affected.