Abstract:On the basis of simulating the seasonal climate which alternates between dryness and wetness in some places,making use of the new hit canister to produce the samples,group of tests were performed to study the influence of drying-wetting cycles on bearing capacity of improved soil by CMSC soil stabilized agent. During the process of drying and wetting cycles,the dehydration mass,water absorption mass and California bearing ratio (CBR) of improved soil by CMSC soil stabilized agent were tested. The variation of dehydration mass,water absorption mass and swelling rate,and the influencing mechanism of numbers of drying-wetting cycles on the CBR value were analyzed. It was shown that during the initial stages of drying and wetting cycles,the curing time and the fitting temperature provided by the dehydration process could accelerate the full reaction between the CMSC soil stabilized agent and soil. Meanwhile the cementation between soil particles was strengthened. So along with the process of drying and wetting cycles,the bearing capacity of improved soil increased. And when the number of drying-wetting cycles was 4,the bearing capacity reached the maximum CBR value. When the number of drying-wetting cycles was greater than 4,the actions are coupled of the variable water content and fissures,and the thin fissures were distended and ran through;then the new fissures came into being. So the unitary and homogeneous property of samples were broken and the bearing capacity of improved soil decreased gradually.