(1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang,Sichuan 621010,China;2. Institute of Mountain Hazard and Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu,Sichuan 610041,China)
Abstract:The maximum horizontal distance(Lmax) and apparent coefficient of friction(Hmax/Lmax) are considered as the evaluation criteria of landslide movement. In order to analyze the landslide movement,five influence factors of large-scale seismic and rainfall landslide are considered including landslide volume(V ),landslide height(H ),landslide slope gradient(a ),constraint angle of slope toe(q ) and ground type(X ). The results show that,at the landslide maximum horizontal distance(Lmax),the landslide height H is the most important factor of rainfall landslides;and it follows by slope gradient(a ),constraint angle of slope toe(q ) and ground type(X ) in turn. When the volume is from 106 to 107 m3,the influence of ground type(X ) on the seismic landslide is larger than rainfall landslide;and the influence factors of seismic landslides are H,X,a,q in sequence. When the volume is larger than 107 m3,the landslide slope gradient a is the most important factor of seismic landslide;and it follows by landslide height(H ),constraint angle of slope toe(q ) and ground type(X ) in turn. By significant analysis,the landslide height(H) is significant influence factor of Lmax of large-scale rainfall landslide and seismic landslide with the volume from 106 to 107 m3. At landslide apparent coefficient of friction(Hmax/Lmax),the landslide slope gradient(a) is the most important factor of seismic landslides,it follows by landslide height(H),ground type(X) and constraint angle of slope toe(q) in turn. The influence factors of rainfall landslide with the volume from 106 to107 m3 and larger than 107 m3 are a,H,q,X and H,a,X,q respectively. The H,a,X are significant influence factors of Hmax/Lmax of seismic landslide with the volume larger than 107 m3 by significant analysis.
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