Abstract:According to the cracks discovered in the embankment of Xiaowan arch dam,two functional cable models are built to simulate the stress field under the conditions of pulling of prestressed cable and secondary grouting. The feasibility of anchoring in the embankment,and the effects of anchoring on the stress around anchorage region and the performance of crack surfaces are studied by combining integer model and sub-model;and the effect of chemical grouting on reinforcing shear strength of cracks is analyzed. The results indicate that:the anchoring scheme of 400 t is superior to the 100 t;the maximum tensile stress around bonded length is about 0.2 MPa,which plus current stress may not cause new cracks. The anchoring and chemical grouting can enhance the shear capacity of crack surfaces to some extent;and its effect becomes distinct as the water level rising up. The compression shear yield zones in some cracks appear in the high water level,and large tonnage of anchoring or other measures are suggested to strengthen these areas.
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