Abstract:The variable-compliance-type constitutive equation is employed in this study. The constitutive equation can express the failure process of rock,which has been well proved heretofore. In the constitutive equation,it is assumed that the rock fails at a rate which depends on stress severity. The concept of stress severity Sv is expanded to the stress state where Sv take negative value and the healing parameter Hp= –Sv is introduced. The constitutive equation is also modified assuming that fractured rock is gradually compacted or healed at a rate which depends on the healing parameter. According to the results in this study,it can be said as follows. (1) The equation expresses the behaviors of the fractured rock when the compliance becomes smaller in the compaction test. (2) Though further discussions are essential in the future definitely,it can be said that the modified variable-compliance-type constitutive equation shows much potential for simulating the behaviors of fractured rock in compaction test and interpreting strength recovery of rock in loosening zone or excavation damaged zone around an underground structure.
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