(1. Department of Civil Engineering,Logistical Engineering University,Chongqing 400041,China;2. Heihe Military
Sub-command,Heilongjiang Provincial Military Area Command,Heihe,Heilongjiang 164300,China)
Abstract:24 groups of shear tests on remolded loess are conducted by using triaxial apparatus for unsaturated soils to study the wetting deformation laws of unsaturated embankment fill. The dry densities of specimens are 1.7 and 1.8 g/cm3,respectively;the cell pressures are chosen as 50,100 and 200 kPa;and the control suctions are chosen as 0,50,100 and 200 kPa. Based on the above,two simplified models and double-line method are used in the analysis of wetting deformation;and formulae for calculating the wetting deformation using the two models mentioned above and values of relevant parameters are proposed. Through the analysis,it is shown that the wetting deformation are greatly influenced by the dry density;and the wetting deformation could be effectively controlled through the enhancement of compaction of the roadbed.
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