ZHU Sheng1,2,SHI Gaofeng1,2,ZHOU Jianping3
(1. State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098,China;2. Institute of Hydraulic Structures,Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098,China;
3. HydroChina Corporation,Beijing 100011,China)
Abstract:Some damage phenomena appear in Bikou earth core dam after “5.12” Wenchuan earthquake. With the bedrock motions at Wenxian seismic station(062WIX),the input acceleration time-history is obtained from the relationship of free-field peak ground acceleration(PGA) and fault distance in Wenchuan earthquake. The dynamic parameters of dam soils are determined by comparing with the information of large-scaled laboratory triaxial experiments of other projects based on their physical and mechanical characteristics. Based on TSDA program for three-dimensional finite element dynamic analysis,the permanent deformation and the pore water pressure of core dam are close to the recorded data;the maximum acceleration along the dam axis is scaled up in amplitude only by a factor of 2.36 at the dam crest,and the dynamic response of cut-off walls is also weak. Because Bikou dam is located on the hanging wall of fault,and high-frequency componet of the bedrock motions had developed,although the earthquake lasted much longer,the dynamic response is weaker than that under the standard seismic waves synthesized by design response spectrum according to “Specifications for seismic design of hydraulic structures”. From the results of seismic review,it could be found that the core dam built by the modern technology of heavy vibration has good seismic behavior;and the current seismic theories and methods for earth dam are basically feasible.
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