(1. Civil Engineering Information Technology Research Center of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,
China;2. Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract:Based on the project of highway tunnel crossing the thrust fault with dip angle of 75°,through a model experiment,the effect of thrust fault stick-slip dislocation on highway tunnel has been discussed. Experimental results show that under the influence of stick-slip dislocation of thrust fault,the tensile zones of tunnel lining mainly distribute in the range of 0.3D(D is the diameter of tunnel)and 1.2D away from thrust fault trace at the bottom of tunnel in the foot wall,and the compressive zones of tunnel lining mainly distribute in the range of 0.6D and 1.6D away from thrust fault trace at the top of tunnel in the foot wall. The movement of thrust fault changes the state of surrounding rock pressure. The largest surrounding pressure occurs at the bottom of the tunnel 1D away from fault trace in the hanging wall,and can increase to 2 times of initial surrounding rock pressure. The failure mode of tunnel lining caused by stick-slip dislocation of thrust fault is combination of extension breakage with direct-shear breakage. The dominating factors of tunnel damage are diagonal cracks with dip angle about 50°and 45°near the thrust fault trace.
王 威,任青文. 活动断裂对深埋隧洞影响的研究概述[J]. 地震工程与工程振动,2006,26(1):175-180.(WANG Wei,REN Qingwen. General introduction to the effect of active fault on deep tunnel[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,2006,26(1):175-180.(in Chinese))
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