SU Chengdong1,GU Ming1,TANG Xu2,GUO Wenbing1
(1. School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo,Henan 454000,China;
2. School of Safety Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo,Henan 454000,China)
Abstract:To study compaction characteristics of crushed stones,the compaction tests on sandstone,mudstone and sandy mudstone from coal seam roof of Yima Xin?an mine were conducted by using RMT–150B servo machine. Stress-strain relation of crushed stones is obtained and the effects of rock strength,particle size and compaction stress on compression characteristics are analyzed. The results show that three stages are included by the following order during compaction process:rapid compression deformation stage,slow compaction deformation stage and stable compaction stage. The bulking factor increased with the increase of particle size by the logarithmic relationship. The difference of residual bulking factor after crushed stones experienced close and filling of interstice decreased,which has less to do with rock strength and particle size. The decrease amplitude of bulking factor augmented with the increase of lumpiness. The compactness of crushed stones is a function of compaction stress and the bigger the lumpiness was,the more obvious the change of compactness was. The higher the rock strength is,the greater the energy consumption is;and the average energy consumption ratio of sandstone,sandy mudstone and mudstone is 3.5∶2.2∶1.0. If the particle size of same stone is larger than 5 mm,the energy consumption is not relevant to the particle size.
王 磊,郭广礼,张鲜妮,等. 基于关键层理论的长壁垮落法开采老采空区地基稳定性评价[J]. 采矿与安全工程学报,2010,27(1):57-61.(WANG Lei,GUO Guangli,ZHANG Xianni,et al. Evaluation on stability of old goof foundation by long-wall caving based on the key stratum theory[J]. Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering,2010,27(1):57-61.(in Chinese))
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