Abstract:A two-dimensional numerical model was established for a reinforced soil retaining wall on soft soil foundation. The settlements,horizontal displacements,earth pressures of retaining wall and axial strains of geogrid were simulated under the condition of step loading. The computed results were found to basically agree with the measurements. The stability and location of slip surface of the reinforced soil retaining wall computed by the finite element strength reduction method coincide with the observed results,indicating a deep-seated failure. The maximum computed and measured strains of each geogrid layer appear at the position 4 to 6 m away from the wall,which is very different from the Rankine failure surface stated by current design theory for reinforced soil retaining walls. The reason is that the current design theory for reinforced soil retaining walls is based on the hypothesis of rigidity foundation and does not consider the effect of foundation deformation on the strain distributions and stability of reinforced soil retaining walls. The effect of lengthening the bottom reinforcements on the stability of the reinforced soil retaining wall was further analyzed using the numerical model. It is indicated that the lengthening values and reinforcement-lengthening numbers apparently affect the stability of the reinforced soil retaining wall on soft soil foundation. The obtained curves of factor of safety versus reinforcement- lengthening number for various lengthening values were considered to be significant for design of reinforced soil retaining walls on soft soil foundation.
陈建峰,顾建伟,石振明,等. 软土地基加筋土挡墙现场试验研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报,2011,30(增1):3 370-3 375.(CHEN Jianfeng,GU Jianwei,SHI Zhenming,et al. Field test study of reinforced soil wall on soft ground[J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering,2011,30(Supp.1):3 370-3 375.(in Chinese))
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