(1. School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha,Hunan 410004,China;2. School of Civil Engineering,Central South University,Changsha,Hunan 410075,China)
Abstract:A large-scale shaking table model test of a two-step slope model with the geometric scale of 1:8 was performed to study the dynamic response characteristics including seismic acceleration,seismic displacement,and seismic earth pressure of sheet-pile retaining wall under earthquake loads,respectively. In order to comparatively study the effect of the parameters such as seismic waveform,its excitation direction and excitation type on the seismic response characteristics of sheet-pile retaining wall,Wenchuan seismic wave with three excitation directions including horizontal(X) direction,vertical(Z) direction,and horizontal and vertical(XZ) direction,Darui synthetic seismic wave with XZ excitation direction,and Kobe seismic wave with XZ excitation direction were used as the excitation waves in the model test. The results show that the dynamic responses including seismic acceleration,seismic displacement,and seismic earth pressure of sheet-pile retaining wall are triggered mainly under horizontal direction excitation,and related to the seismic waveform,excitation direction,and the transducer?s location. The peak seismic acceleration response increases with the peak excitation acceleration and the height of retaining wall;and it presents obvious nonlinearity. The suitable amplification coefficient of earthquake inertia force quasi-static value must be selected in the basis of the combining form of retaining structures,slope shape and its behavior;and the seismic waveform are taken into account. The response mechanism of both the peak seismic displacement and the seismic permanent displacement present obvious nonlinearity;and the seismic displacement mode of sheet-pile retaining wall is the translation from the filling soil-mass of slope mainly under the excitation of XZ direction. The peak seismic earth pressure against the height of sheet-pile retaining wall presents obvious nonlinearity;the maximum of peak seismic earth pressure appears at the middle part of retaining wall;and the minimum at the lower or the upper.