ZHOU Jian1,2,LI Yexun1,ZHANG Jiao3,JIA Mincai1,2
(1. Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;2. Key laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;3. School of Civil Engineering and Transportation,Shanghai Technical College of Urban Management,Shanghai 200432,China)
Abstract:Slope protection is a way to prevent the debris flow. Model test was carried out to study the macro-meso mechanism of slope protection and anchors were fixed to prevent the debris flow on slope by using the anchor-slope protection. Retrogressive toe sliding is not found during the experiment;and four stages as water seepage,pore water accumulation,close-grained slide and relative stability of slope were found during test. Based on the macro digital camera,the transformation mechanism of soil including the trail of particle movement,displacement and porosity were analyzed during the debris flow on slope prevention with anchor-slope protection. The meso-analysis shows that the movement of particle was restricted by anchor-slope protection;and the porosity dropped down by 12%,and the relative stable state as fine particle drop to the bottom and compaction,the upper coarse particle skeleton is stable was formed at last. The research manifests that the probability of debris flow on slope was decreased by the effect of filtering water and holding soil of anchor-slope protection with different slope deformations and structures. The research provides a reference for the debris flow on slope prevention.
杨为民,吴树仁,张永双,等. 降雨诱发坡面型泥石流形成机制[J]. 地学前缘,2007,14(6):197-204.(YANG Weimin,WU Shuren,ZHANG Yongshuang,et al. Research on formation mechanism of the debris flow on slope induced by rainfall[J]. Earth Science Fronters,2007,14(6):197-204.(in Chinese))
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