Abstract:In order to study the dynamic characteristics of silty sand,tests of dynamic deformation and strength properties in different conditions( =100,200,300,400 kPa, =1.0,1.5,2.0) by dynamic triaxial apparatus are studied. A series of changing regulations of the relation between dynamic stress and strain,damping,dynamic stress ratio are analyzed,then the preliminary exploration on the influence of mud and sand ratio on the dynamic characteristics is carried out. Tests indicate that,consolidation stress condition has great influence on the relation between dynamic stress and strain of saturated silty sand. Damping ratio increases with the increasing of dynamic shear strain. Under the condition of same consolidation confining pressure,damping ratio increases with the increasing of the consolidation ratio. Under the condition of different consolidation stresses,dynamic stress decreases with the increasing of the failure cyclic number. Under the condition of same consolidation ratio and different consolidation confining pressures,the relation between and is normalized. The mud and sand ratio has great influence on dynamic characteristics. On the condition of same dynamic strain,dynamic stress decreases with the increasing of mud content. On the condition of same consolidation confining pressure,damping ratio increases with the increasing of mud content. Dynamic strength does not increase monotonically along with the increasing of mud content. When the mud content is 20%,the dynamic strength is the lowest.
白 颢,孔令伟. 固结比对石灰土动力特性的影响试验研究[J]. 岩土力学,2009,30(6):1 590-1 594.(BAI Hao,KONG Lingwei. Experimental research on influence of consolidation ratio on dynamic characteristics of lime-treated soil[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics,2009,30(6):1 590-1 594.(in Chinese))
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