Abstract:The method of decision-level fusion based on Kalman filteration was used in order to reduce and even eliminate the errors in multi-sensor monitoring and to correctly evaluate the geological characteristics of a landslide in Southwest China. The data of horizontal and vertical displacements were analysed. Results show that the landslide had experienced stages of slow deformation,uniform deformation,accelerated deformation and rapid deformation. It indicates that the landslide is a stepped process of variation. The rainfall infiltration is the main factor. The Kalman filtration fusion theory reduces the limitations of traditional methods by making use of the fusion method. It eliminated the ambiguity of the data collected by sensors. The feasibility and effectiveness of the method are confirmed.
胡振涛,刘先省. 一种改进的一致性数据融合算法[J]. 传感器技术,2005,24(8):65-67.(HU Zhentao,LIU Xianxing. Improved consensus data fusion algorithm[J]. Journal of Transducer Technology,2005,24(8):65-67.(in Chinese))
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