(1. School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha,Hunan 410083,China;2. Changsha Institute of Mining Research Co.,Ltd,Changsha,Hunan 410012,China)
Abstract:Elasticity modulus,poisson ratio,uniaxial compressive strength,tensile strength and dynamic stress-strain curves of granite porphyry were obtained under freezing-thawing cycles utilizing the relevant static and dynamic mechanics experiments. On the basis of HJC model parameters analysis,numerical simulations of the SHPB tests were made utilizing LS-DYNA finite element software. According to the results of numerical simulations and experiments,the relationship between the dynamic strength with the strain rate and the freeze-thaw cycles were obtained. The results show that:Shape of the stress-strain curves,the reflected and transmitted waves before and after freeze-thaw is different. Samples have different strain rate with the same incident wave under freeze-thaw cycles. SHPB experiment numerical simulation on the basis of HJC model parameters is reliable. Numerical simulation and laboratory test can complement each other. The dynamic strength is associated with the strain rate and the freeze-thaw cycles,but the influential effects are opposite and interconnected. Study on the dynamic strength of rock under freeze-thaw cycles is the basis of dynamic constitutive relation under freeze-thaw damage and has great significance for analyzing the slope stability of open-pit mining in seasonal frozen region.