Mechanism of rock burst forcasting based on micro-seismic monitoring technology
MA Tianhui1,TANG Chun?an1,TANG Liexian2,ZHANG Wendong3,WANG Long1
(1. School of Civil Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian,Liaoning 116024,China;2. School of Mining
Engineering,University of Science and Technology Liaoning,Anshan,Liaoning 114051,China;
3. Jiangsu Transportation Institute Group,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210017,China)
Abstract:The rock burst-prone tunnel section in Jinping II hydropower station was studied using micro-seismic monitoring technology as a means of monitoring and early warning of rock burst. The spatial and temporal variations of mirco-seismic events and rock burst were revealed by comparing the actual conditions and monitored micro-seismic results. The relationships among the magnitude,frequency and energy for micro-seismic events contour were revealed through the extraction of micro-seismic monitoring events by the corresponding characteristics of rock damage process. The four criterions of rock burst were presented based on 3S principle in seismology to determine rock burst. The in-situ results of the study showed that the regularity of the temporal,spatial and intensity distribution of rock burst in deep tunnels existed. Micro-seismic activities always occurred ahead of rock burst,while the locations of them coincided with rock burst. The criterion of rock burst can be used to make accurate early-warning,and provide evidence for rock burst forcasting and micro-seismic monitoring early-warning.
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