Abstract:In order to simulate the complete process of water-inrush and to reveal the mechanism of water-inrush in mines,two principal properties of water-inrush such as the high-speed non-Darcy flow and the unity of dynamic flow field were considered. A non-Darcy flow model for water-inrush in mines was established based on the conservation of mass and the pressure equilibrium. The corresponding model with the coupled relation of Darcy,Forchheimer and Navier-Stokes equations established the connection of water source in aquifer,water-inrush channel and the exit of tunnel in a uniform flow field. A numerical model was developed based on the coupled integral equations between the week form of the finite element method and the finite volume method. Using the software of Finite element program generator(FEPG),the FORTRAN source programs were compiled and applied to simulate the complete flowing process of water-inrush. By comparison of the results for Darcy and non-Darcy flow models,the necessity of adopting non-Darcy model for water-inrush in mines was explained. It was also found that the fractured rock mass was the channel connecting the confined aquifer and tunnel. The inertia effect of the high-speed flow in the channel was the main cause leading to the water-inrush through the fractured rock mass.
MOUTSOPOULOS K N,TSIHRINTZIS V A. Approximate analytical solutions of the Forchheimer equation[J]. Journal of Hydrology,2005,309(1/4):93–103.
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