A preliminary analysis of protective effect on permafrost of typical embankment along Gonghe—Yushu highway
FENG Ziliang1,2,SHENG Yu1,CHEN Ji1,WU Jichun1,LI Jing1,CAO Yuanbing1,2,
HU Xiaoying1,2,ZHANG Xiumin3
(1. State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering,Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000,China;2. College of Resources and Environment,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;3. Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Company Limited,Xi′an,Shaanxi 710000,China)
Abstract:Along the Gonghe—Yushu highway,three typical permafrost embankments,namely insulated board embankment,block-stone embankment and ventilated embankment were utilized. In order to study the process of variation of the underlying permafrost and to compare three measures,the temperature variations of the shallow layer(0–4 m) and deep layer(below 4 m) were analyzed. The chosen sections have a similar underlying permafrost conditions. The results showed that all three measures were confronted with the thermal asymmetry from the shady to sunny slope and the thermal asymmetry damaged the embankment stability. The deep temperature showed a continuous trend of increase. At the same depth,insulated embankment had the largest rate of increase,followed by the crushed-rock embankment,and the ventilated embankment had the smallest one. There was an uplift of artificial permafrost table for all three measures and still showing a continuous uplifting trend. The preliminary monitoring results showed that all three measures were effective in protecting permafrost from thawing. However,it has just been a short period since the construction of the highway,whether the measures are efficient to protect permafrost in the future is unknown,and further study is still ongoing.
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