Failure characteristics,laws and mechanisms of rock spalling in excavation of large-scale underground powerhouse caverns in Baihetan
LIU Guofeng1,FENG Xiating1,JIANG Quan1,DUAN Shuqian1,YAO Zhibin2,PEI Shufeng1,DUAN Xingping3,ZHOU Mengxia3
(1. State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan,Hubei 430071,China;2. Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Safe Mining of Deep Metal Mines,Northeastern University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110819,China;3. China Three Gorges Corporation,Beijing 100038,China)
Abstract:The underground powerhouse caverns of hydropower station at Baihetan of Jinsha river is under construction currently and is large in size and complex in geological environment. Spalling failure of local surrounding rock occurred frequently in the excavation of the first layer of the left and right powerhouse. An overall summary and a deep analysis of the mechanism of rock spalling failure in basalts was made combined with the geological,construction,testing,experimental and numerical data. Firstly,the characteristics and laws of spalling failure,including the failure forms,the morphological characteristics,the spatial location,the scale of destruction,the lagging,the failure development process,the lithology and the support status were summarized. Secondly,the influence of the geo-stress,rock structure,lithology,construction factors on the surrounding rock failure were fully discussed. Finally,comprehensive analyses were made to reveal the mechanisms of spalling failure.
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