Implementation of a staggered algorithm for a phase field model in ABAQUS
LIU Guowei1,LI Qingbin1,ZUO Zheng1,2
(1. State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;
2. China Power Complete Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100080,China)
Abstract:A staggered updated method for a phase field model was implemented in the commercial finite element software ABAQUS through UMAT and VUMAT subroutines. In order to verify the reliability of the algorithm,crack propagation in modes I and II under quasi-static and dynamic loads was calculated. All the results are generally consistent with the testing results in the existed references. In addition,simulations for wing cracks and curved surface cracks were also carried out. The results show that the main reason of dynamic crack branching is the high elastic strain energy stored in solids. The algorithm of phase field model is effective to simulate crack initiation,intersection,bifurcation and propagation in three-dimensional space,and can be executed conveniently in commercial FEM software.
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LIU Guowei1,LI Qingbin1,ZUO Zheng1,2. Implementation of a staggered algorithm for a phase field model in ABAQUS. , 2016, 35(5): 1019-1030.
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