Experimental study on deformation behavior of saturated soft clay under traffic loading considering effect of principal stress rotation
DU Zibo1,2,QIAN Jiangu1,2,HUANG Maosong1,2
(1. Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;2. Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract:A series of undrained tests were conducted with hollow cylinder apparatus for undisturbed saturated soft clay under coupled loading path of principal stress magnitude and principal stress rotation induced by traffic loading. The effects of principal stress rotation on pore pressure,deformation and stress-strain relationship were studied by comparing the results of cyclic triaxial tests and traffic loading path tests. The effects of the generalized shear stress level on the stiffness of stress-strain and non-coaxiality were also investigated. Test results show that compared to cyclic triaxial tests,the pore pressure and strain are significantly larger and the stiffness of stress-strain loops experiences a dramatic reduction under principal stress rotation induced by traffic loading. During cyclic coupling loading,two different cyclic responses,i.e.,the shear stress-strain relation and the normal differential stress-strain relation,were observed. The shear stiffness over stress-strain loops exhibited an anisotropic cyclic degradation and the strain increment vector displayed non-coaxility,which varied in different sections of the loop. In addition,in the lower shear stress level tests,the trajectory of strain paths tends to be stable,accompanied by the stiffness hardening and increase of non-coaxiality. In the higher shear stress level tests,the strain path envelopes tend to fail,accompanied by the stiffness degradation and reduction of non-coaxiality.
杜子博1,2,钱建固1,2,黄茂松1,2. 考虑主应力轴旋转效应的交通荷载下饱和软黏土变形特性试验研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(5): 1031-1040.
DU Zibo1,2,QIAN Jiangu1,2,HUANG Maosong1,2. Experimental study on deformation behavior of saturated soft clay under traffic loading considering effect of principal stress rotation. , 2016, 35(5): 1031-1040.
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