Abstract:The scaled driving test was carried out to study the disturbance of EPB shield tunneling to the sandy cobble stratum and sandy stratum using ? 800 mm EPB shield tunneling system. The deformation and failure mode of the excavation face were analyzed using DEM. The profile of three-dimensional trough of surface settlement in sandy stratum has the shape of “round funnel” with a gradual contraction from top to bottom while that in sandy cobble stratum looks like a “Valley”. The width coefficient of surface cross-section trough of sandy cobble stratum is smaller than that of sandy stratum. The subsurface trough width parameter of both stratum increased linearly with the depth ratio. When the depth ratios are the same,the subsurface trough width parameter of sandy stratum is larger than that of sandy cobble stratum. The time-effect curve of ground settlement of sandy stratum shows gradual and continuous characteristics while that of the sandy cobble stratum shows settlement jumps. The deformation and failure modes of the excavation face in both stratum show a chimney shape,but the disturbance scope in sandy cobble stratum due to excavation is smaller than that in sandy stratum.
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HU Xiongyu,YAN Qixiang,HE Chuan,YANG Xingyu. Study on the disturbance and excavation face failure feature of granular mixtures stratum due to EPB shield tunneling. , 2016, 35(8): 1618-1627.
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