(1. Institute of Geomechanics,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;
2. Faculty of Engineering,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China)
Abstract:In order to study the seismic response of loess-mudstone slopes,centrifuge shaking table tests with the geometric scale of 1∶40 for two types of model slopes based on the prototype slopes in Tianshui area were performed. Under the condition of similitude,the seismic responses of model slopes were investigated with the input seismic waves of different amplitudes horizontally and vertically. The input acceleration amplitude of 0.1 g was taken as the typical example and the different dynamic response and failure characteristics of the two model slopes were analyzed. At the key point in both models,the horizontal peak ground acceleration(PGA) amplification coefficients are larger than the vertical ones with nonlinearity,and reflect the surface effect,the altitude effect and the lithology effect. For the failure of the general loess-mudstone slope,tension cracks were formed at the crest and gradually expanded. The displacements developed towards the free face,and then overlying loess raised slightly and some soil mass accumulated at the slope toe. For the loess-mudstone landslide,the tensile crack formed at the backscarp and gradually expanded and then collapsed. The landslide debris fell slightly. A groove was formed at the top of the debris,and the slope toe bulged slightly.
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