(1. School of Civil Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan,Shandong 250100,China;2. State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610065,China;3. China Three Gorges Corporation,Beijing 100038,China)
Abstract:A high-precision microseismic(MS) monitoring system was installed to evaluate the stability of the left bank bedding slope at Baihetan during excavation. The main damage regions of the left bank slope were delineated through real-time monitoring and analyzing of the MS activities. The initiation,propagation,extension and coalescence mechanisms of mircocracks were revealed using the realistic failure process analysis(RFPA) approach. The full progressive failure processes of the rock slope at atypical section were reproduced. The MS activities were found to match well with the excavation disturbances. The MS events induced by the slope excavation were mainly distributed around the dam spandrel,especially along the internal staggered zones LS331,LS337 and the hanging wall of fault F17(610–700 m),forming the main damage regions of the slope. Influenced by the excavation-induced unloading of the slope,the stress concentration was highlighted in the weak structures such as LS331,LS337 and F17,and myriads of rock failure elements continuously propagated in these regions,resulting in the rock failure along the weak structures. Numerical simulation results coincided with the trend of spatial macro evolution of MS activities.
徐奴文. 高陡岩质边坡微震监测与稳定性分析研究[博士学位论文][D]. 大连:大连理工大学,2011.(XU Nuwen. Study on microseismic monitoring and stability analysis of high steep rock slope[Ph. D. Thesis][D]. Dalian:Dalian University of Technology,2011.(in Chinese))
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