(1. College of Harbour,Coastal and Offshore Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098,China;
2. Institute of Geotechnical Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098,China)
Abstract:The sandstone samples with the degrees of water saturation from 0% to 70% were prepared to measure the permeability and porosity under different confining pressures and seepage pressures using the test system for low-permeability rock. The relationship between the permeability,porosity and stress of sandstone samples at different degrees of water saturation were analyzed. The gas permeability of low-permeability sandstones with the degrees of water saturation lower than 50% decreases with the increase of pore pressure. The gas permeability changes with the pore pressure exponentially. With the increasing of the degree of water saturation,the sensitivity of gas permeability to the change of pore pressure decreases,and the sensitivity of gas permeability to the change of pore pressure increases with the increasing of pore pressure. The absolute permeability and the porosity vary with the confining pressure exponentially. With the increasing of the degree of water saturation,the sensitivity of absolute permeability to the change of confining pressure increases,and to the change of porosity decreases. The sensitivities of absolute permeability and porosity to the change of confining pressure decrease with the increasing of confining pressure. The porosity and the absolute permeability correlates positively. A small reduction of porosity can cause a significant decreasing of the absolute permeability. The relationship between the absolute permeability and porosity obeys the index function. The sensitivity of absolute permeability to the change of porosity increases as the increasing of the degree of water saturation. The sensitivity of absolute permeability to the change of porosity also increases with the increasing of porosity.
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CHAO Zhiming1,WANG Huanling1,XU Weiya2,YANG Lanlan2,ZHAO Kai1. Variation of permeability and porosity of sandstones with different degrees of saturation under stresses. , 2017, 36(3): 665-680.
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