Construction license mechanism of mountain tunnels based on inrush prediction of fracture zones
CAI Junhua1,2
(1. Faculty of Engineering,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China;2. Sanming Transport Construction Investment Co.,Ltd.,Sanming,Fujian 365000,China)
Abstract:Water inrush is a typical geologic hazard when the mountain tunnels pass through different fracture zones,and establishing the license mechanism of tunnel construction is an effective way to reduce the damage and to control risk. The license mechanism of tunnel construction is a risk control measure based on the water inflow forecast,geological prediction,plugging reinforcement measures,excavation method,construction management and comprehensive evaluation. Only when the risk of construction is within the acceptable category or the construction measures are adjusted to avoid the occurrence of disaster,the constructions will be permitted. A water inflow model was established to predict the possible water inflow when tunneling passed through the fracture zone. The scale,spatial distribution and rock characteristics of the fracture zone to be excavated in front of tunnel face were inspected accurately with the comprehensive advanced geological prediction system. The results of the geological inspection and water inflow prediction were combined with the proposed plugging reinforcement measures,excavation method,construction management and other factors together to form the evaluation index of construction license. The risk and safety of construction can be determined through the comprehensive evaluation method. This method was applied successfully to the Taining tunnel through the F2 fracture zone in construction and ensured the safety of the tunnel through the fracture zone.
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