A case study of super-high cut slope II:stabilization measures and their process controls
WANG Hao1,2,WANG Xiaodong3,PAN Jun3
(1. College of Environment and Resources,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350116,China;
2. Geological Engineering Research Center,Fujian Provincial University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350116,China;
3. Zhong Zi Hua Ke Traffic Construction Technology Co.,Ltd.,China Highway Engineering Consulting Corporation,
Beijing 100195,China)
Abstract:In this paper,the mitigation strategy of Landslide K227 was summarized,and the numerical simulation and optimization of the mitigation stages of the upper,middle and lower parts of the slope were conducted. The results of the comparison of the field monitoring and simulation data guided the process controlling of slope construction,which achieved the target of safety,orderliness and control at all the stages of the construction and no hidden risks. The global safety factor 1.10 was suggested to be the threshold value to define the slope stability under the comprehensive conditions due to the need for stability control of super-high cut slope and their structural durability in the whole construct process. The backfilling at the toe of the slope was imperative to ensure the present stability during the construction of the super-high cut slope. The timing and opportunity to adjust the similar temporary safety precautions should be prudently determined. Planning in advance and installation in time of two rows of anti-slide anchor piles were important to control the reduction of stability and the development of towing deformation in up-rear part of slope,to keep the safety of construction process and to make the remediation successful. There are various potential failure mechanisms in the treatment to super-high cut slope with the transformation of local and global deformation of slope. Therefore,multiple plans are supposed to be simulated and adjusted in order to maintain the compatibility of local and global deformation. The passive mode of the design adjustment due to the slope failure need be to transformed into the active one of simulating the slope deformation in advance,which can control the secondary disasters during the period of construction of cut slopes.
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WANG Hao1,2,WANG Xiaodong3,PAN Jun3. A case study of super-high cut slope II:stabilization measures and their process controls. , 2017, 36(5): 1152-1161.
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