Abstract:The coefficient of heat expansion and the viscosity varying with temperature are introduced into Merchant model of three components to establish the three-component thermo-rheological model of saturated soil in order to describe the rheological properties of soil under thermo-mechanical coupling. The analytical solution is deduced under the condition of instantaneous loading at single-side drainage boundary and the case analysis is given. The results show that when the consolidation pressure is constant,the increasing of temperature accelerates the consolidation of soil. The elastic modulus has great influence on the pore pressure and the degree of consolidation. The elastic modulus of the Kelvin spring has greater influence on the pore pressure than the elastic modulus of the independent spring. The expansion coefficient of spring has no effect on the dissipation of pore pressure in soil. The variation of pore pressure is related not only to the variation of viscosity coefficient,but also to the increasing of temperature. The increasing of temperature causes the spaces between the pore pressure curve to be narrower gradually,indicating that the change of pore pressure is related not only to the change of viscosity coefficient but also to the growth coefficient of temperature.
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