Study on mechanical behaviors of crack dynamic propagation at the end of cylinder blastholes
LI Qing1,XU Wenlong1,GUO Yang2,LI Yunlong1,WANG Xiaodong1,HUO Shusen1
(1. School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China;
2. School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract:Dynamic caustics test and ABAQUS numerical analysis method were used to study the dynamic fracture behaviors and the stress field distribution of burst cracks at the end of single cylinder and double cylinder blastholes with different spacings at simultaneous initiation. The law of crack propagation at the end of blastholes was investigated. The results show that,compared with single hole explosion,the stress field produced by double cylinder blasthole explosion superimposes between the blastholes,which makes the radial cracks more easily form between the boreholes and increases the breakage degree between the blastholes. The propagation velocity and the stress intensity factor of the cracks at the end of single hole are between the inner and outer ends of the double holes. In the vertical direction near the end of the double cylinder blasthole,the compressive stress between the blastholes play a dominant role,which inhibits the relative propagation of the explosive cracks in the adjacent blastholes. The smaller the blasthole spacing,the earlier the crack arrests and the shorter the propagation length. In the far area outside the end of the double cylinder blasthole,the superposition action of explosive stress waves between and outside the holes is characterized by alternation change of tension and compression at t = 0—90 us,and then appears in tension mainly. The blasting crack at the outer end of the blasthole has a large curvature degree and has a short stage from crack arrest to re-initiation. The smaller the hole spacing,the earlier the curvature occurs and the earlier the transition from crack arrest to re-initiation. The crack length has no significant change,but it is larger than the crack length at the end of single hole.
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LI Qing1,XU Wenlong1,GUO Yang2,LI Yunlong1,WANG Xiaodong1,HUO Shusen1. Study on mechanical behaviors of crack dynamic propagation at the end of cylinder blastholes. , 2019, 38(2): 267-275.
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