Abstract:There sometimes exits notable difference between the consolidation process of soft soil based on Terzaghi?s one-dimensional consolidation theory and the field settlement observations,which can be in a certain extent ascribed to that the theory assumes the consolidation coefficient is constant and ignores the influence of initial consolidation state and consolidation process on permeability coefficient. According to the Darcy permeability coefficient formula,Kozeny-Carman permeability coefficient formula and e-lgσ relations of three consolidation state soils,the permeability coefficient prediction formulas of soft soil in process of surcharge preloading are established considering the influence of the initial consolidation state and stress state during consolidation process. The applicability and reliability of the predictive formulas are explored by the laboratory consolidation-permeability test and reference. The prediction formulas are substituted into the consolidation coefficient expression to obtain the modified Terzaghi one-dimensional consolidation equations considering the influence of the initial consolidation state and stress state during consolidation process. And the rationality of the modified Terzaghi one-dimensional consolidation equations is discussed by engineering application analysis. The results show that the predictive formulas can quickly and accurately estimate the permeability coefficient of the soft soil in the process of surcharge preloading. When the overloading is small,the calculation results of Terzaghi one-dimensional consolidation equations and original equations are similar. However,when the overloading is large,the consolidation process has a greater impact on the porosity ratio and permeability coefficient of soil. The consolidation degree calculated by modified Terzaghi one-dimensional consolidation equations is obviously behind the pre-modified calculation result,which is greatly agree with the engineering practice. The purpose of this paper is to provide a more accurate consolidation calculation method for the soft soil of different initial consolidation state.
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