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CHINA ROCK 2019 第十六次中国岩石力学与工程学术年会论文征集(第1号通知)





将于20191118-21日在北京召开的“CHINA ROCK 2019(第十六次中国岩石力学与工程学术年会)是由中国岩石力学与工程学会主办,具有国际化特色的中国岩石力学与工程领域最大规模的顶级学术盛会。大会自2018121日开始征集论文。征集的论文应当反映岩石力学与工程及其相关交叉学科的科学研究与工程实践的最新进展。欢迎广大作者就下列课题,以及其它与岩石力学与工程相关联的其它课题踊跃投稿。

1.          软岩大变形灾害机理与控制

2.          矿业开采新工艺暨新技术革命

3.          岩体非线性本构关系与超深部井筒稳定性与提升研究新进展

4.          岩石动力学研究与创新

5.          大变形、非连续、多场耦合数值模拟理论与方法

6.          地下工程绿色、智慧与创新

7.          大数据、人工智能及信息技术在岩土工程中的应用

8.          水工岩石力学暨岩体数学物理模拟理论与技术

9.          深地下工程安全与防护

10.       安全处置放射性废物研究

11.       滑坡与工程边坡稳定性控制理论、技术与实践

12.       复杂岩石工程中测试新技术与新进展

13.       西部特殊岩土力学与工程

14.       岩石破碎理论与技术新进展

15.       深部岩体力学及深地热开发

16.       城市地下物流配送

17.       原位改性采矿技术与高温高压岩石力学

18.       非常规油气岩石力学与钻采新技术

19.       岩石工程设计理论与方法

20.       岩土工程BIM技术应用

21.       多场耦合多尺度岩土力学与工程

22.       地壳应力与地震

23.       丝绸之路古遗址劣化与保护

24.       红层与工程

25.       二氧化碳地质利用与封存前沿科学与技术


l  开始提交论文全文:201931

l  期刊论文征集截止时间:201941

l  大会论文征集截止时间:2019430

《岩石力学与工程学报》、《地下空间与工程学报》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》、《Underground Space》、《煤炭科技》等本领域的中、英文核心期刊为大会的协办单位。大会“论文评审与编辑专家委员会”对征集的论文进行初步评审合格后,将推荐到上述期刊按期刊评审流程进行评审并发表,征集的全部论文将收录到大会论文集(电子版)。

English edition:


The 16th China Rock Mechanics and Engineering Symposium/Beijing, 18 – 21 November, 2019

(First Announcement)

     CHINA ROCK 2019 (The 16th China Rock Mechanics and Engineering Symposium) now calls for papers. It is the largest, internationalzed and top event on rock mechanics and engineering in China. The symposium is held annually in Beijing and sponsored by the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME).

       We sincerely invite you to submit a full-paper on your recent attainments on the following topics. We also welcom submissions of the inter-diciplinary topics on rock mechanics and engineering which are not listed in below. 

       Scientific topics:

l   Mechanism and control for large deformation related disasters for soft rocks

l   Innovation of the techniques for mining and new generation of the mining technologies

l   Recent development of the nonlinear consitutive relation for rocks and analytical deformaiton models for the deep-buried vertical shaft

l   Innovation and research for rock dynamics

l   Theory and technique for numerical modeling on large deformation, discrete and multiphysics problems

l   Underground engineering – Green, Inteligence and Innovation

l   Applications of the big data, AI and information in geomechanics engineering

l   Theoty and technique for mathematical and physical modeling on hydro-rock/rock mass mechanics

l   Safety and protection for deep-rock engineering

l   Safety disposal for radio-active waste

l   Theory, technique and applications of stability control for landslides and engineering slopes

l   Recent development for testing and measurement for complex rock engineering

l   Geotechniques and geotechnical engineering in western China

l   Theory and technology for rock disintegration and comminuation

l   Deep rock mechanics and exploitation of thermal energy in deep ground

l   Underground logistics and distribution in City

l   Technology for in-situ modification mining and high-pressure-high-temperature rock mechanics

l   Rock mechanics and new drilling technology for unconventional oil and gas exploitation

l   Theory and method for rock engineering design

l   Applications of BIM technique in geotechnical engineering

l   Multi-physics and multi- scales geoechanics and engineering

l   Earth crust stress and earthquakes

l   Research on deterioration mechanism and protection for the ancient sites in the silk road

l   Red bed and red-bed rock engineering

l   Frontier sciences and technologies for geological utilization and sequestration for CO2

Important Dates:

·           Full paper submission opening:  March 1st, 2019

·           Full paper submission for journal deadline: April, 1st, 2019

·           Full paper submission deadline: April, 30th, 2019

The received papers will be evaluated through a peer-review process for the publication in the following journals who are the co-sponsors of the CHINA ROCK 2019:

·           Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

·           Underground Space

·           Frontiers of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering

At the same time, the peer-reviewed papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings of the CHINA ROCK 2019.

版权所有 © 2005-2016 《岩石力学与工程学报》编辑部
   主办单位:中国岩石力学与工程学会 出版单位:科学出版社
地址:湖北省武汉市武昌小洪山(邮编:430071) 电话:(027)87199250 传真:(027)87199250 E-mail: rock@whrsm.ac.cn
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