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Precise finite element analysis of shear mechanical responses of anchor cables with C-shaped tube in roadway support Hot!
Experimental study on characteristic stress and acoustic emission characteristics of granite under continued high temperature
Development of a 3D loading sealing device and simulation test of coal thickness variation zone outburst
Study on the failure mechanism of rock slopes with dipped layered structures under various rock dip conditions
Numerical simulation of unloading creep and deterioration mechanism of water-bearing mudstone
Failure mechanical behavior and energy evolution of coal and rock under cyclic loading and unloading
Study on the evolution law of micro damage and utilization efficiency of fracture energy in green sandstone under the action of ultrasonic vibration
Experimental study on failure characteristics of rock mass with interfacial cracks under impact loading
Experimental study on biaxial mechanical properties and acoustic characteristics of different damage granites after high temperature-water cooling
Mechanical properties and fracture behaviors of sandstone in dry and saturated states with tip intersecting cracks
Structural effects of shearing properties of loose cohesionless soil-rock mixture and development of strength model
Study on the two-dimensional transport characteristics of heavy metal pollutants in a non-homogeneous cutoff wall system considering the consolidation effect
Multiple synergistic control technology of rock burst disasters in deep hard roof working faces
Experimental study on the shear mechanical behaviors of a rough rock joint surface under dynamic normal load boundary condition
Research on multistage deformation law of bedding rock slopes based on NPR anchor cable monitoring
Mechanical properties of Ili salinized loess under freeze-thaw conditions
Experimental study on pH adjustment combined with composite flocculation vacuum dewatering of sludge#br#
Effect of ice-water phase change on the dynamic properties of unsaturated silt during freeze-thaw process
Experimental study on strength and shear band characteristics of sand under biaxial rotation of principal stresses