Influence of pile foundation to adjacent tunnel with water immersion in collapsible loess layer of great thickness
ZHANG Yuwei1,WENG Musheng2
(1. School of Highway,Chang?an University,Xi?an,Shaanxi 710064,China;
2. China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd.,Xi?an,Shaanxi 710043,China)
Abstract:The adjacent tunnel is influenced by pile foundation obviously due to the additional load,particularly in the area with loess layer of great thickness which is sensitive to water content. A serious of tests with the modified centrifuge testing equipment were conducted to systematically investigate the influence of the pile foundation to the adjacent tunnel. The influence factors considered in the tests are the pile foundation load,the pile-tunnel distance and the basement immersion depth. The soil around the pile was found to reduce the load-transfer effect,which led to the lining stress redistribution. The bigger the pile load,the more obvious the reduction effect. The bearing ability of the basement was reduced due to the water immersion,which increased the load-transfer between the pile and tunnel. The influence of pile to tunnel was decreased with the increasing of pile-tunnel distance. The bending moment of tunnel was evenly distributed when the pile load was small. The tunnel was distort with the pile load was bigger and was distort more as the pile load increased. The effect was obvious when the pile-tunnel distance was short. When the immersion depth in basement was small,the influence of pile to tunnel was weak due to the load-transfer effect,but the influence was more and more obvious with the increasing of immersion depth in basement. When the ratios of pile-tunnel distance to diameter of tunnel was 1,the vertical displacement reached 16.7 mm,the horizontal displacement reached 3.2 mm under the pile load increasing,and both reduced with the increasing of pile-tunnel distance. The tunnel displacement reduced with the decreasing of immersion depth in basement. The basement immersion affected mainly the vertical displacement. The effect of basement immersion to tunnel was smaller than pile-tunnel distance and pile load.
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