Shaking table test on slope foundation of bridge reinforced with two rows of anti-slide piles
LEI Da1,2,JIANG Guanlu1,2,LIU Weihao1,2,QI Zhihui1,2,WANG Zhimeng3
(1. School of Civil Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China;2. Key Laboratory of
High-Speed Railway Engineering,Ministry of Education,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China;
3. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd.,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China)
Abstract:This paper presents a shaking table test on slope foundation of bridge reinforced by two rows of anti-slide piles. The dynamic loading applied is the sine waves with different frequencies and peak accelerations. The mechanical responses of the bridge foundation and anti-slide piles and the variation of amplification coefficient of PGA are analyzed. The results show that the distribution of peak soil pressure behind the back row anti-slide piles changes with the peak acceleration of shaking table in plastic silty clay. Due to the small distance between the bridge pier and back row anti-slide piles,the dynamic load affects the bridge foundation greatly,and the maximum strain of bridge pile foundation moves from the pile top to the sliding surface in the loading process. When the peak accelerations of sine waves are the same,the higher frequency of vibration means the smaller of viscous damping and the larger of PGA amplification coefficient in soil. The PGA amplification coefficient of the slope is distributed in layers. Meanwhile,the vibration waves of high frequency cause the smaller displacement and deformation in soil and lead to a smaller landslide thrust. When the vibration waves propagate up in soil,the spectrum of amplitude is magnified near the natural vibration frequency due to the filtering effect.
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LEI Da1,2,JIANG Guanlu1,2,LIU Weihao1,2,QI Zhihui1,2,WANG Zhimeng3. Shaking table test on slope foundation of bridge reinforced with two rows of anti-slide piles. , 2017, 36(9): 2297-2304.
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