Image recognition for water leakage in shield tunnel based on deep learning
HUANG Hongwei1,2,LI Qingtong1
(1. Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;2. Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract:With the sharp increasing in the requirements for tunnel maintenance of urban metro,the structural defects of the metro shield tunnels,especially the water leakage,need be inspected fast and accurately. Using the computer vision to inspect the structural defects of shield tunnel is a thriving trend home and abroad during recent years. However,the traditional methods of image recognition on water leakage cannot meet the need in engineering practice. In this paper,a novel method employing the fully convolution network(FCN) based on the deep learning(DL) is proposed to improve the image recognition on water leakage in shield tunnel. The water leakage images are divided into six categories according to the lining surface of shield tunnel and some interference on image recognition. The recognition results,the error rates and the running time from FCN are compared with those from the traditional image recognition methods of Otsu algorithm(OA),region growing algorithm(RGA) and watershed algorithm(WA). The results show that DL-based image recognition on water leakage effectively avoided the interference from the segment joints,bolt holes,cables,brackets etc.,and has excellent robustness in overcoming the defects shelter from cables.
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